Monday, January 18, 2016

2016 Reading Challenge

If you haven't noticed, there's a new tab on the top of my blog. It has been there for a couple of weeks. So you can check it out after you finish reading this post. Click click, people.

The reading challenge is from a PopSugar article which you can check out here if you want to print it out for yourself. It is basically a list of categories that you can check off as you read something that match it. Simple as that.

I attempted this challenge last year and failed ever so miserably. So, I want to try again and see how I go with this one. There are 40 challenges in total and since I set reading 40 books as one of my 2016 goals, I can read one book for each challenge. I opt for 40 because it was my goal for 2015 and I failed. I have always read more than 40 books since 2012 and it was a slap in the face for me that I failed the reading challenge last year. So this year, I'm trying for a redemption. I hope I can get it together. *fingers crossed*

This doesn't mean that I'm gonna read based on the categories in the challenge. You know I'm not that dedicated. I'm still going to read whatever the hell I want, but it would be great if most of them could help me check off the boxes. Maybe once in a while I will read something that fits the categories to branch out. I tend to stay in the YA or Middle Grade bubble most of the time and I think it's time for me to read something different.

You can tell me if you are participating in any reading challenges in the comment below if you want. I'm interested in what you guys plan to read (or currently reading) in 2016.

I'll see you next time!

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